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October 09, 2004


Jim Cota

Ah, interesting timing. My last blog included this paragraph:

"One of the primary benefits of e-mail is also one of its chief problems: it's too easy. Because it's so easy to create and send a message, the creators don't spend enough time sweating the details. Far more than the subject line, we need to be concerned with the content and copy, headlines, the images used, the emotion of the piece. I think people forget that the final product will be a marketing message designed to communicate something about your product and company. The same care and caution that goes into crafting other marketing messages should be (but - sadly – often isn't) apparent."

So, while I think your main point is right on target, I can't help but think-- like Dr. Frankenstein-- we've created a monster. Simply removing the barriers to communication doesn't remove the onus to spend time and effort thinking about and executing the message.

Looking forward to the whitepaper -- and perhaps taking you to task on it! :)

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