When you are trying to sell something new into your company the best method is almost always to focus on the “Quick Win”.
Most organizations are afraid of decisions and like to postpone and stall for as long as possible doing anything new. (Why else is Dilbert so popular?)
The great thing about email is that it’s often easy to scope a project and show some results in an short period of time without spending a lot of money.
Think about your own business. Rather than bite off the entire thing, isn’t there something that can be done that can show the rest of the organization that this is something to get behind?
I’ve seen success with isolating regions or districts; picking one product, or one segment of customer. One of our clients with a chain of florists has done a great job with picking some of the early adopters (sneezers) from among the chains many branches rather than try and force the entire chain to adopt. Once the Sneezers demonstrate success the rest is easy.
Look at your world. Pick a simple goal and see if there is a Quick Win.